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Teaching Opportunity in Africa

Sambouya Village School

Guinea, West Africa



Making disciples is our mission. 
If you're interested in learning M4 missions and making a difference in the world, this is an opportunity for you.  
Qualification:  College students and above
Commitment:  June 30 - March 1
This is a short-term missionary volunteer position. You'll be teaching elementary students and receiving M4 missions training.
Click on "Here is a poster" to download a PDF file that you can print and distribute to inform your friends about this opportunity. 
Manya Village in Guinea
40 Days M4 Experience
The First Year in Guinea
After Sunday Worship
Mud House in Villages
Sunset in Africa
Visiting our Neighbors
Children Catching Bugs to Eat
Our Neighbors
One to One Discipleship
Following and Finishing the Task!


We are dedicated to completing the task of reaching every tribe on earth in our generation, as we follow Jesus Christ and participate in M4 Missions.



M4 Missions


Acts 1:8 categorizes missions into four parts:
M1 - Jerusalem
M2 - Judea
M3 - Samaria
M4 - The ends of the earth
M4 Missions focus on making disciples in remote places without access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Less than 1% of foreign missions investment is for this category.
Meanwhile, 99% of foreign missions efforts are invested in M3 missions, which represents an imbalance in reaching every tribe on earth. M3 missions involve ministries in the urban areas.
Despite rapid global urbanization, 60-90% of unreached populations still live in rural areas without electricity or running water. If we only invest 1% of our foreign missions efforts for these people, we will not complete our task in this generation.


To obey Christ and complete our task, we need to balance our foreign missions efforts.





We are established to participate in M4 missions and are registered as a Not-for-Profit Organization (NPO) in the United States of America with 501(c)(3) status. We are also registered in Guinea as a non-governmental organization (NGO).



M4 Missions Centers

Africa, Asia & The Middle East


To target all unreached tribes in the world, we have been praying for three centers in Africa, Asia, and The Middle East. The M4 Center in Africa is already set up in Guinea, and we are awaiting God's direction for the remaining centers.



Sambouya Christian Academy


"Forming Christ" is our motto.

This is our main educational project in Guinea, Africa.

Following & Finishing

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