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Worship & Fellowship & Discipleship

Discipleship is missing or lacking in our churches. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations. It was a simple and clear instruction, yet discipleship is ignored by so many followers of Christ. 



Spobesity (Spiritual obesity) is the main problem in our churches. If you are not making disciples now, you are probably imbalanced in your Christian walk. We must obey Jesus' command and make disciples of all nations, and it must begin now where you are.



Disciple Now!  If you are interested in making disciples, seek out for a true follower who is mature and balanced in worship, fellowship, and discipleship. If you need any assistance, contact us and we will try our best to make that happen.



Here are our free discipleship books in pdf files that you can download and print. 



In English:

Becoming a History Maker

Click the free download button to get the free pdf file of the book. If you would like to get the paperback copy of the book and to support M4 Missions, you may go to to purchase it:

All proceeds will support M4 Missions. 


In Korean:

역사의 주인공이 되는 제자들

Click the free download button to get the free pdf file of the book. If you would like to get the paperback copy of the book and to support M4 Missions, you may go to to purchase it:

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