​M4 Missions
The Call to Africa
"AFRICA" appeared seven consecutive days in the morning prayers. I couldn't believe what was happening to me when I closed my eyes to pray.
The timing was mind-blowing. I was ready to depart for Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
My journey of following Christ started this way to Africa, and I am still serving God in Guinea, West Africa.
God's Leading to Guinea
"You should go to Guinea," recommended to me. "You speak Mandingo in the Gambia, and the language of the Maninka tribe in Guinea is similar."
I prayed, "Lord, show me if you want me to go to Guinea."
On my way to the Gambia, I met a man from Guinea who happened to be the passenger in the same vehicle.
1581 Unreached Tribes
"How many unreached tribes are left?" The thought came to me in Africa, and I was embarrassed because I did not know it, as a missionary who wants to participate in finishing the task.
When I came back to the US, I googled it to find the answer. In the year 2000, it was 1581 unreached tribes, according to Joshua Project II.
Make Disciples
Jesus made twelve disciples, and he commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations. Thus our goal is going and making disciples in places where there is no access to the gospel.
Discipleship is not an option.
One on One discipleship is our plan to obey Jesus. If you are not making disciples, join us.
The Toughest Challenge
107°F was the highest temperature when our children were sick with malaria. Brain damage could have occurred if the temperature rose one more degree.
"Did you ever wanted to return to the US?" asked someone. The thought never occurred to us because God's calling and leading to Africa was so clear.
Spiritual Battles
"Legion," a demon possed woman replied when one of us asked the demon's name. It reminded me of Luke 8:30.
Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him.
Our mission field is a fierce spiritual battlefield.
Getting Land in One Day
"If you want to build a school, you need land, right?" asked the mayor, and he proposed to visit the potential places.
On that day, the land was secured and posted the corner bricks. Moreover, the blueprint for the land and official letters were obtained the following day.