​M4 Missions
Finishing the Task in our generation
The 2000 years old task
of reaching every tribe on the earth
is still incomplete.
Why couldn't we finish it?
1. Do not know the task...
"Why do you want to finish it so badly?" asked one college student. "Is he joking?" I thought to myself. But then I sensed that he sincerely did not know.
2. Do not care about God's missions...
If we have 1,581 true followers who decided to change the world, the task will be accomplished in our generation because that's how many unreached tribes are left and the number is decreasing as people like you are deciding to follow Christ to the ends of the earth.
3. Do not follow Jesus Christ...
Jesus calls His people to follow Him. This is the true message of the gospel. If we follow Him, we will be changed and then we will change the world around us. Reaching every tribe on the earth will happen in our generation when we truly follow Christ.
You can make a difference!
Do you want to be a follower who participates in God's M4 Missions? Contact us now, and join us where you are. In God's time, He will lead you to where He is working. Don't worry about your insecurities and inadequacies. God can and will train you.
What can we do?
1. Not what we can, but what God can...
We need a paradigm shift in finishing the task. For God, all things are possible in spite of who we are. God invites us to follow and participate in His missions. We simply need to be where He is, and let Him do His work through us.
2. God-Size Visions...
God in the Bible always called His servants to God-size visions. He never asked them to do what they were capable of. Faith was required in order to participate in His missions. Only God can accomplish God-size visions so they humbly followed and witnessed His power.
3. Finishing with God...
True fellowship with God is essential to catch God-size visions. God is interested in you more than your accomplishments. He wants love relationship with you so that you can truly be happy. As you walk with Him, His joy will become your joy. As you mature in Christ, He will reveal His plans so that you will participate in greater joy.
4. Fellowship with M4 Missionaries...
Walk with those who are serious about following Christ. Jesus commanded us to be united as one, like a body. We need a body of Christ who can truly spur one another to live by faith, not by sight. When two or three are united as one, the power of God will rest on them to accomplish anything that He commands. That's what happened with us. You can join us if you don't already have that kind of fellowship.